Cleaning for health is an important and concrete step you can take to protect your home against the novel coronavirus . Cleaning Concepts of St. Louis has taken industry-leading steps to make sure that all of our client’s homes are being cleaned and disinfected. We are seeing an increased demand for professional cleaning services and many of our clients are increasing frequency and/or adding our high touch disinfection of 51 surfaces in the home add on package. We want to share with you the steps we are taking to safeguard your home and clean for health and improved hygiene.
- We implemented usage of Navy Brand 6400, an EPA certified quat-4 sanitizer and virucidal effective against COVID 19, HIV-1 and parvovirus among others. This product is an institutional cleaner used in hospitals, nursing homes and food service. We use also use this product to clean 51 high touch surfaces of your home. Navy Brand 6400 is 100% safe for you as they evaporate off surfaces after about 10 minutes and eliminate nearly all of the possible pathogens you would encounter.
- Our employees take extra hygiene steps as they enter and leave all homes. These include sanitizing their hands before entering a home, wearing a proper mask throughout the cleaning process, Employees that are ill will receive Paid Time Off and will not be allowed to work.
- Our HEPA vacuums are certified to filter out particles smaller than the Coronavirus so any particles that might make it onto a floor surface will not be recirculated into the air. This also improves indoor air quality by removing most allergens and irritants in your home. After each home our vacuums will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.
- We have closed-loop cleaning processes. Only clean tools, equipment, and supplies enter your home. Clean mops and cloths are disinfected with bleach and hot water laundry. The same with microfiber cloths, and after they have been used on high-risk surfaces they are removed from cleaning for the day.
- We have implemented strict social distancing processes for our staff that will eliminate the risk of contagion spreading among our employees. . Any employees that are working in teams will be limited to teams of two. They will have their cars provisioned in the morning to eliminate contact with other employees and community spread. We recommend maintaining the 6 foot distancing rule at all times if you are home while we clean and disinfect areas.
- Having your home professionally cleaned for health and hygiene is why we are the best choice in choosing a home cleaning partner at this time. We believe we have created some of the best systems and processes in the home cleaning industry to help combat the spread of the coronavirus.