Is your home starting to feel a little constricting and tight? Are unidentifiable piles of stuff slowly starting to squeeze you out and restrict your movement? If your home never felt small before and your answer is ‘yes’ then you may have a clutter problem. While this rarely happens overnight, people who don’t have a trusted maid service in Clayton, MO they can regularly call upon are vulnerable to classic clutter issues.
In today’s post, we lean on our decades-long experience in house cleaning to outline 5 smart tips that will help you remove the clutter hotspots from your home.
What are clutter hotspots?
You know those areas of your home that somehow naturally accumulate items over time—these are called clutter hotspots. Whether it’s kitchen counters, entryways, coffee tables, or bedside tables, these high-traffic zones just seem to attract litter and mess no matter how tidy you are. These spaces quickly become overwhelmed with everyday items, including mail, keys, small change, battery chargers, and other household items. Even if the rest of your home is relatively clean, one clutter hotpot can make it look like you’re a hoarder, especially if it’s located in a prominent place in your home.
How do you take care of a clutter?
While getting rid of clutter can seem like an overwhelming task, it’s actually quite doable with a little bit of planning and organization. Remember, if things don’t work out the way you hoped from the get-go, don’t get too down, stay patient, be persistent, try implementing as many of these tips as you can, and things will slowly start to fall back into their rightful place.
1. Choose one drop zone
Probably the biggest contributor to clutter is the lack of a designated space for things that you wish to put down when you enter your home. These items then get strewn all around the living room or hallway creating a messy heap that is a true eyesore. The easy way to deal with this is to create a drop zone by the entrance door. Whether it’s a simple tray, woven basket, or a hook on the wall, you’d be surprised how effective it can be in stopping clutter in its tracks.
2. Find a space for frequently used items
If it’s not things that you put down when you enter your home, it’s items that don’t have their designated space. If you or your loved ones don’t know where certain items belong, you’re much more likely to put them down on the first surface you can. To avoid overfilling your flat surfaces with frequently used items, try to designate one space where they can be handily disposed of.
3. Invest in smart storage solutions
Maybe your problem lies in the way you organize your storage space. Maybe your storage options aren’t meeting your needs or maybe you just need to optimize your storage solutions and make them more functional and in line with your needs. You can try to implement smart storage tricks like shelving units, under-bed storage, or multifunctional furniture.
4. Consider a ‘one-in, one-out’ rule
Sometimes no matter how hard you try or how organized you are, excess of stuff you own just keeps piling up and creating problems. In that case, it’s not a question of discipline and organization in the home but of planning and discipline when you’re out shopping. You can solve this by adopting a ‘one-in, one-out’ rule. For every item you want to buy, you’ll have to let one go. This will not only help you make smarter purchasing decisions but also save you a lot of money in the long run.
5. Intensify your cleaning routine
Maybe the most effective way to deal with constant clutter is to establish a regular schedule of house cleaning. Whether it’s 15 to 30-minute cleanups every day or recurring arrangements with dedicated professionals, an ongoing housekeeping plan will make a huge difference in your everyday functioning. With professionals coming at regular intervals, clutter will find it harder to conquer certain areas and establish a foothold in your home.
Where can I find detailed maid service in Clayton, MO & the nearby areas?
From ample experience in handling the toughest housework and expertise in doing the most hated household chores to clever tips to help busy parents tidy up and a whole lot more when it comes to residential sanitation, Cleaning Concepts stand tall as the best house cleaning service in this part of the country.
Just take your loved ones to Oak Knoll Park for a family picnic and we’ll revamp your living space to make it shiny and fresh when you get back. SImplfy your life, call professionals today!